Dazed is an independent British fashion, culture and arts magazine with a reputation for groundbreaking photography, fashion and editorial.
Dazed Winter 2022
Dazed (Dazed & Confused until February 2014) is a bi-monthly British style magazine founded in 1991. It covers music, fashion, film, art, and literature. Dazed is published by Dazed Media, an independent media group known for producing stories across its print, digital and video brands. The company’s portfolio includes titles AnOther, Dazed Beauty and NOWNESS. The company’s newest division, Dazed Studio, creates brand campaigns across the luxury and lifestyle sectors. Based in London, its founding editors are Jefferson Hack and fashion photographer Rankin. This is in addition to editor-in-chief Ibrahim Kamara, editorial director Kacion Mayers, art director Gareth Wrighton and fashion director Imruh Asha. Beyond its UK headquarters, today Dazed also holds offices in Korea and China.
Magazine has a Bar-Code!! Newsstand Edition!!!
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